Monaco’s incidence rate halved within a week

The Prince’s government has agreed to reveal key screening details in its regular communication about Monaco’s coronavirus situation, including the incidence rate – an important factor in determining government action and which has just halved within a week.  
At a recent meeting of the Joint Covid Monitoring Committee, Stéphane Valeri, president of the National Council, requested that the government share more details of its Covid strategy in its public communication to give the population a clearer understanding of the health situation in the Principality.
On Monday evening, the government said in its daily Covid count that it will make weekly updates every Monday on the screening strategy implemented in the Principality.
Therefore, it was revealed that, from the period between 8th and 14th February, there were 5,422 Covid-19 tests carried out in the Principality. Of those, 105 people returned a positive result, putting the positivity rate in Monaco at 5.68%.
The all-important incidence rate is also now being communicated weekly. This refers to the number of positive coronavirus cases per 100,000 inhabitants over a 7-day period and reflects how quickly incidence is increasing or decreasing. It is important because it provides a more complete picture of the Covid situation in the Principality and is fundamental in determining the government’s course of action.
The incidence rate of the previous week was therefore 276.32, compared to 436.84 the previous week – a significant drop and a move in the right direction for the Principality.
Photo by Michael Alesi, Government Communications Department