Monaco’s Police Department pledges crack down on nuisance drivers 

monaco police drivers

Citing an increase in “inappropriate and dangerous” behaviour by drivers during major events, such as the Grand Prix de Monaco and Top Marques, the Monaco Government has given local police additional powers to deal with offenders.  

In the run-up to the Grand Prix at the end of May and Top Marques in early June, Monaco’s Police Department is on alert for any off-schedule gatherings of sportscars in the Principality.  

This kind of disruptive behaviour, which can cause delays and noise pollution for other roads users and residents, was once a regular occurrence in Monaco, but the Police Department has been consistently cracking down on these types of meetings in recent years. 

Nevertheless, the desire to show off and act out Formula 1 racing dreams always proves too much for some sportscar drivers. During last year’s Top Marques, 64 cars were seized by the police, many of them luxury supercar models such as Ferraris, Mercedes and the like. 

On 14th May, the Monaco Government confirmed that agents in the Principality will be given additional powers to impound offending vehicles and fine their drivers over the next few weeks in a bid to prevent any “inappropriate and dangerous” road behaviour.  

Drivers found to be violating standard Highway Code regulations risk having their vehicle locked up for a period of 120 hours at the secure lot in in Fontvieille. Drivers will be forced to pay a considerable amount, which can amount to hundreds of euros, to get their vehicle back once the sanctions are over. More serious offenders may also be fined. 

“The Prince’s Government is determined to curb such incidents and to take more effective action against those responsible for occasional disruption, in order to ensure peace and public safety for residents of the Principality,” reads an official statement from the government. 

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Photo source: Monaco Communications Department