Start-up incubator MonacoTech has stepped up its support for young innovative companies with its new FabLab, a scientific laboratory that will help with the formation of prototypes and PoCs in everything from marine biotechnology to medical devices.
The FabLab was designed and set up to enable MonacoTech start-ups to carry out innovative and concrete work necessary for their development, mainly in the fields of biology, health and electronics.
The laboratory will allow for experimentation and a convergence of knowledge for PoCs (Proof of Concept), but it can also be used for prototyping and developing products and processes. It will allow startups to design, create, assemble, test, improve and use their prototypes.
“The FabLab acts as an accelerator of opportunities for the promoters of innovative projects, it is a place of manufacture itself,” said MonacoTech in a statement. “But above all, it is a collaborative space open to a community in order to realise a concept, to bring an idea to life. It is a place of innovation and knowledge sharing in favour of pooling skills, equipment and the emergence of collaborative and transdisciplinary projects resulting from innovations by MonacoTech startups.”
The lab is organised into two areas: the “wet” area for work particularly on cells, and the “dry” area for other activities.
The FabLab is currently being used by three startups: Surgisafe, which is developing an intelligent suction cannula capable of immediately detecting abnormal or cancerous tissues during a surgical intervention, Coraliotech, which is producing innovative molecules from coral organisms for cosmetics and in the medical sector, and Novetech Surgery, which is creating innovative orthopaedic implants for use by veterinary surgeons.
The FabLab has everything needed, from ventilated cabinets for chemicals and a C02 incubator for cells, to a fluorescence microscope and spectrophotometer. The fleet of equipment will evolve with the projects and new activities.
The laboratory complements the range of services already offered within the MonacoTech incubator and it expects to attract some serious new projects thanks to the addition.
“This should allow new startups to find in MonacoTech the conditions for the development of their projects, but also to bring out new innovations, and to promote the knowledge and know-how of the Monegasque ecosystem.”
Photo credit: MonacoTech
MonacoTech equips itself with a FabLab