New exhibit shares Monaco’s most symbolic photos of 2021

The Galerie des Pêcheurs is hosting a retrospective photo exhibition of the Principality’s 24 most emblematic photos of the past year.

To start the new year, the Communication Department is sharing highlights from the last in the form of an exposé of snapshots presented beautifully in large format lining the gallery’s walls throughout the month of January.

Many of the photos are little known and all tell a story, whether it be focusing on growth and development for the future or on Monaco’s past and its rich heritage.

Moments in time are captured in the exhibition, such as the first Covid vaccination given in Monaco, National Day celebrations, AS Monaco Basketball’s victory in the EuroCup finals, Prince Albert II visiting the Monaco Pavilion at the Dubai World Expo and the restarting of cultural and social activities as restriction measures were lifted.

These raw photos were all captured by three of the photographers from the Communication Department – Michael Alesi, Stephanie Danna and Manuel Vitali.

The exposition is free and open to all until 31st January.



Photo: Direction de la Communication, Stéphane Danna