New monthly survey to gauge manufacturing industry in Monaco

The Monaco Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (IMSEE) is about to start conducting a new business survey to gauge the performance of Monaco’s manufacturing industry. The results will be used to illustrate the business climate in this sector on a more regular basis.

The Monaco government announced the creation of the new survey on Monday 30th January. It is aimed at all economic agents in the Principality who are active in the manufacturing industry, and includes sectors such as crafts.

Each month, the businesses will be sent around 10 questions relating to different aspects of their activity, including production, stocks, orders, prices, workforce, and cash flow.

The results of the survey are likely to be published from 2024 and, like the Retail Trade Barometer which has been implemented since 2013, will be featured in monthly IMSEE publications.

IMSEE points out that only its authorised agents will have access to the responses, which will not contain any quantified data.

The first surveys will go out in early February.


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Photo credit: Volha Flaxeco on Unsplash