New York Fashion Week with Alessandra Vicedomini

Every time I land in New York I feel so much energy. It is always a new adventure. 

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Fashion week is the crown jewel of New York with thousands of people arriving in the city to see what designers believe to be the next “it” item on the trend list.

Personally, I arrive “late” to present the fall winter best sellers to a very intimate group of American ladies. It is happening uptown at the Savoy private room building, in joint venture with jewellery designer Clarissa Bronfman.

The possibility of getting a one-on-one showcase and fashion fitting with the best New-Yorker fashion ambassadors gives my newest collection an international aura.

This season, I’ll be bringing my newfound Navaho-inspired designs, along with thick cashmere oversized sweaters and jacquard capes. I’ll be rushing into New York from Geneva, before coming back to Monaco for a deserved long weekend, hopefully it will be as sunny as here.

On my way to the venue, Barney’s windows are capturing public attention with a messy Manolo Blanik multi-coloured suede shoes basket, rigorously plexiglassed, and 4,573 different winter outfits from international designers.
