Palace announces Kristel Malgherini as new Advisor to the Prince’s Cabinet

Kristel Malgherini

The Palais Princier de Monaco has announced that Kristel Malgherini, the former Secretary General to the Department of Social Affairs and Health, will replace Isabelle Costa as an Advisor to the Prince’s Cabinet. 

During the tense times of the Covid pandemic, Malgherini was a staunch advocate for the Principality’s vaccination programme in her role as Technical Advisor to the Department of Social Affairs and Health. 

Her handling of the situation brought attention to her professional competence, a skill that she will now bring to her newly announced role as Advisor to the Prince’s Cabinet for Social Affairs and Health, the European Union and legal affairs.  

She is replacing Isabelle Costa, who has taken up the mantle of High Commissioner for European Affairs for Monaco. 

Malgherini holds a Diploma of Advanced Law Studies from the Université Côte d’Azur in Nice. After graduating, she worked for the National Council before joining the Department of Health and Social Action as an administrator.  

She then joined the Department of Social Affairs and Health at the Ministry of State in 2014 to successively perform the functions of Division Head, Project Manager and Technical Advisor, before being appointed as Secretary General in 2021. 


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Photo courtesy of the Palais Princier de Monaco