Palace guards return for daily ceremony

The Prince’s riflemen have taken up their carbines and resumed the ceremonial changing of the guard in front of the Palace, an important tradition witnessed by many tourists each day in Monaco. 
During the Covid-19 health crisis, the daily changing of the guard took place inside the Palace, without ceremony or traditional attire.
It is the first time in its history that the Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince had not guarded the Palace in full uniform.

On Friday, the masked riflemen resumed their positions in the Palace Square as Prince Albert watched on from the Palace window.
The public are once again welcome to enjoy this ceremony every day at 11.55am. As a precaution, they must wear a mask and respect physical distancing rules.

During the First World War, the riflemen were, for the most part, mobilsed in the French army, so the Palace was guarded by Monegasques and retired riflemen, in civilian clothes.
© Photos: Gaetan Luci, Eric Mathon and Axel Bastello / Prince’s Palace – Manuel Vitali / Direction of Communication – © DR. Coll. Archives of the Palace of Monaco.