Photos: The Carabiniers du Prince regale in winter uniform at the Palais Princier de Monaco

Much to the delight of the crowds gathered in front of the Palais Princier de Monaco on Monday, the guards from the Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince made their seasonal switch from lightweight summer whites to the traditional black and blue uniform of the winter months.  

With temperatures cooling off steadily over the last few weeks, it was high time for the Palace Guards of the Monaco, the Carabiniers du Prince, to change out of their summer attire and don a uniform more suitable to the colder season. 

The lightweight summer whites, ideal for the blazing heat of July and August, were exchanged for warmer black jackets, vivid blue trousers and a matching helmet at the daily Changing of the Guard ceremony on Monday 6th November. 

At 11.55am sharp, the solemn La Relève ritual took place with military precision as always. The only difference was the larger-than-normal crowd that had turned out to see the new wardrobe and enjoy the music and ceremony that comes with the biannual event.   

According to a spokesperson from the Palais Princier de Monaco, “This change of outfits to follow the seasons was established during the creation of the Compagnie des Gardes between 1870 and 1904.”  

The Prince’s Carabiniers are tasked with protecting the Princely Family, the general guarding of the Palace itself, and with looking after the Prince’s properties and residences, as well as proving the loftier services of upholding honour, ensuring the execution of the laws of Monaco and maintaining public order. 

Click on the images below to see more from the event: 


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Photo credits: Michael Alesi /Axel Bastello / Palais Princier de Monaco