As Monaco gears up for a month of car racing events in May, the Urban Amenities Department will be resurfacing several roads. Here’s a full listing of the programme and its scheduled closures.
Hosting the Grand Prix and the satellite races surrounding it takes time and a huge amount of preparation. Having been host for some 80 years, the Principality has become something of an expert at getting things done in a timely way as well as one that limits disruption to traffic during the resurfacing of local roads that will become the track for the races.
This year, with the Monaco e-Prix coming early in the month on 6th May, the resurfacing efforts will be starting soon.
Road closures
On 6th and 7th March, the Louis II Tunnel and Avenue J.F. Kennedy will be closed to both traffic and parking between 8pm and 6pm.
From 7th to 9th March, the Route de la Piscine will also be shut to parking and traffic from 8pm to 6am.
Then from 8th to 10th March, Boulevard Albert Ier will be closed at the same times.
Finally, the Avenue de la Porte Neuve, the upper hairpin, will see alternating traffic due to lane closures from 8pm to 6am on 15th and 16th March.
Jardin Saint Martin will be entirely shut to the public during the day from 20th to 24th March and between 8.30am and 7.30pm.
Rue des Ramparts, near the Palace, will be closed to all traffic on 22nd and 23rd between 9pm and 4am.
Emergency services will be permitted to access all work areas as required.
Bus stops
The Princesse Alice stop will have alternating traffic from 13th to 15th March and between 8pm and 6am. Villa Sauber will be closed to traffic between 8pm and 6am from 14th to 15th March, and Albert II stop at the shopping mall will be closed from 16th to 17th March, also between 8pm and 6am.
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Photo source: Monaco Communications Department