Prince Albert II has unveiled the logo of the Commemoration Committee of Prince Albert I, which is charged with organising events to commemorate the upcoming centenary of the death of his great great grandfather.
The logo will be used for events initiated by the committee which will reflect the “humanism, peace, patronage, political, economic and social action in the Principality, as well as paleontology, geography and of course oceanography and concern for the environment,” according to the government.
Created by Sovereign Ordinance 7.253 on 14th December 2018, the Commemoration Committee of Prince Albert I is responsible for the study and organisation of events scheduled to celebrate the life and work of Prince Albert I between 2019, the centenary year of the creation of the International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea, and 2022, which will mark a hundred years since the passing of Prince Albert I.
The Mediterranean Science Commission, or Commission Internationale pour l’Exploration Scientifique de la Méditerranée (CIESM), is a commission created in Madrid, Spain, in 1919 to undertake multilateral international research on marine science in the Mediterranean Sea.
The committee was formed and first met in Monaco under the chairmanship of Albert I, Prince of Monaco, in the premises of what was the recently created Oceanographic Museum.
The museum has been the commission’s headquarters since 1970 and Prince Albert II is the current chair.