Prince Albert II attends Honduras-themed AMI gala at the Yacht Club de Monaco

Honduras AMI

The cultural and culinary delights of the Latin American nation of Honduras were in the spotlight at a gala organised by the Monegasque Ibero-American Association (AMI) last week.  

Prince Albert II of Monaco and his Minister of State, Pierre Dartout, were among the notable guests to attend the glamourous occasion, which saw 250 figures from the Principality and beyond join forces to support a number of humanitarian causes and projects championed by AMI.

From gastronomy to music and dance, the evening on 16th May fully immersed those present in the culture and traditions of Honduras.

Four Honduran chefs, Augusto R. Santos, Dave Narvaez, Monserrath Morazan Padilla and Jose Luis Escalante Oliva, came together to create a very special menu that honoured the ingredients and cooking styles of their home nation. They were assisted by students from the Lycée Rainier III.

Among the dishes and beverages served was a cocktail served in jicaras, a type of cup used in traditional Latin American ceremonies, which went down particularly well with the Prince. The recipe was based on Aguardiente Tatascan, a distilled alcohol that is popular in the region.

Dance was also a big feature of the event and Prince Albert was photographed enjoying the traditional music and performances put on by a troupe of dancers out on the deck of the Yacht Club.

To read more about the AMI and its other upcoming events, click here.

Read related:

Interview: Honduras Minister Emmanuel Zuñiga Garcia, in charge of Business Affairs for Monaco


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Photo credit: Michael Alesi / Monaco Communications Department