Prince Albert II Foundation to take plight of the Med to COP27

Prince Albert II will head to the upcoming COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh to lead a special event alongside his eponymous foundation at the very first Mediterranean Pavilion, a space dedicated to addressing issues that affect the region.  

As COP27 fast approaches, Prince Albert II and representatives from the Prince Albert II Foundation (FPA2) are getting ready to travel to Egypt to champion the causes that they have long fought for, such as ocean preservation and conservation, and the “blue economy”.  

For the first time, there will be an entire pavilion set up to look at the issues and solutions explicitly affecting the Mediterranean region. The presence of the FPA2 will include a special event on 10th November, which will highlight the commitments and actions taken by the foundation, their partners and Monaco’s institutions.  

The event, entitled “Swimming the Talk: Scaling-Up Action to Tackle Climate Change in the Mediterranean”, will bring Monaco’s engagement in this complex field to the fore and “focus on accelerating the implementation of ocean and coastal-based mitigation, adaptation solutions and on building ecosystem resilience, while improving scientific knowledge”, according to the FPA2.   

Prince Albert II to lead discussions on climate change in the Mediterranean  

Prince Albert II himself will open the discussions from the three assembled panels, each of which will be headed up by experts. The first panel will speak on the hard science behind the situation in the region, such as the main drivers of acidification, sea level rise, temperature increase and why the Mediterranean region is heating up 20% faster than the global average. The second will cover how to start repairing the damage through improved conservation methods and reducing other impacts, collectively and in partnerships, with a big emphasis on collaboration. The final panel will discuss solutions involving land-sea interactions as well as the need for a more holistic approach to adapting to the impact of climate change on the region.  

In addition to this event, the FPA2, led by Vice-President and CEO Olivier Wendon, will also host the Ocean Innovator’s Platform for the third time. This private event will be held at the Four Seasons Hotel on 9th November at 5pm, and will focus on how innovation and impact investing can significantly contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.  

Finally, as part of its Polar Initiative, the FPA2 will also partner up with the Cryosphere Pavilion to give greater visibility to conservation issues and efforts in the Arctic and Antarctic. 



Photo source: Fondation Prince Albert II