Prince Albert II reminds National Council who is responsible for running the Principality

After the National Council sent a “strong signal” to the Prince’s government in budget debates, Prince Albert has reminded elected officials that it is his responsibility to ensure the budgets are “in line with the realities of the world around us”.

On Wednesday 18th October, the National Council passed the 2023 amended budget with one symbollic vote only, cast by President Brigitte Boccone-Pagès. It was designed to send a “strong signal” to the government that it would not accept budget cuts to future policies and major building projects. In turn, the National Council refused to even consider the 2024 primary budget.

On Friday morning, Monaco’s Head of State, Prince Albert II, responded in no uncertain terms.

“Following the debates held during the examination of the 2023 Amending Budget, I would like to solemnly recall that the Government, under my authority, and on the basis of the guidelines that I define, is solely responsible for the administration of our Country.

“Although the economic situation of the Principality remains solid, it is nevertheless confronted, like other countries, with the consequences of multiple crises and geopolitical events which impact our economies, our societies and our ambitions.

“In this new environment, it is my responsibility to ensure that the management of our budgets is in line with the realities of the world around us.”

Among the demands by the National Council to pass the 2024 budget was an assurance that the 100 new apartments for the national housing plan will be delivered, and a “realistic timeline” be given for the Fontvielle shopping centre overhaul.

“My desire is to guarantee future generations the same opportunities as those we have enjoyed until now,” continued the Prince in his statement. “This is why it is up to me, following numerous consultations with the Government and in my capacity as Sovereign Prince, to make decisions that meet both the needs of the present and the requirements of the future.”

The National Council said that if the government accepts its requests, a favourable vote on the 2024 budget will be achieved in the upcoming December debates.

“I invite the National Advisors to be responsible and realistic, to collaborate harmoniously with my government, being aware of the challenges ahead in a world that has become uncertain,” concluded the Prince. “The sustainability and development of the Principality reside in the ‘long history’ guaranteed by the Constitutional Monarchy.”






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Main photo credit: Photo credit: Gaetan Luci, Palais Princier