Prince Albert opens Monaco circus, Hereditary Prince Jacques visits Bugatti car exhibit

Photo: Facebook Palais Princier de Monaco
Photo: Facebook Palais Princier de Monaco

Saturday proved to be a morning of fun for the Princely twins, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella.

The 3-year-olds stopped by the playground at the Condamine market before visiting the Prince’s Car Collection, where they admired the Bugatti Chiron exhibit, which runs until March 10, 2018.

Photo: Facebook Palais Princier de Monaco
Photo: Facebook Palais Princier de Monaco
Photo: Facebook C. Gallo, E. Vitalli and F. Nebinger/Palais Princier
Photo: Facebook C. Gallo, E. Vitalli and F. Nebinger/Palais Princier

On Friday, Prince Albert and Princess Stephanie, alongside her children Louis and Pauline, opened the 42nd International Circus Festival in Monte-Carlo.

This year, the festival celebrates 250 years of the “modern circus”. It was in 1768 when a young equestrian named Philip Astley performed in London, in a field near Westminster Bridge, on a circular ring 13 metres in diameter. His equestrian show mixed acts from the fair – jugglers, equilibrists, funambulists and even trained dogs and monkeys – and modern circus was born on horseback.

The International Circus Festival in Monte-Carlo will host a gala evening on Tuesday, January 23, to present the gold, silver and bronze Clown Awards. Circus performances will continue until Sunday, January 28, with the winner”s show.

