Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella steal the show on National Day

Monaco’s National Day, celebrated on Tuesday, was filled with all wonderful pomp and ceremony the people of the Principality have come to expect, but this year, the crowds had even more. Everyone was positively enchanted by the nearly five-year old princely twins, who adorably made the day.

National Day, held every 19th November, is about paying tribute to HSH Prince Albert II. The Sovereign respectfully awards medals to his loyal staffers, reviews his troops, and attends mass at the Cathedral. He then, alongside his family and as tradition states, greets the crowds from the balcony of the palace.

The Prince was surrounded by his wife Princess Charlene, his sisters Caroline, Princess of Hanover, and Princess Stephanie, as well as several of his nieces and nephews and their children.

But the main event this year was clearly the twins. All eyes were on Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella as they stood faithfully with their Monegasque flags overlooking the attendees. Prince Jacques, for the first time sporting his rifleman’s coat and formal white gloves, saluted the troops and attended the ceremonies without fuss, as a good leader of the future ought. Princess Gabriella, slightly more precocious, kept removing her red beret and tugging at her little red dress with a very determined look on her face.


This year’s National Day was dedicated to the Sovereign’s mother, Princess Grace, who would have been 90 this year. In addition to the Monegasque rifle guard, an American contingent from the honour guard in Washington DC was present as a tribute to the American actress who became a princess.

After the ceremonies, the Grimaldi clan gathered together for a private luncheon at the palace.


Photos: Prince’s Palace