Princely Family observes Good Friday Procession

Photo: G. Luci and E. Mathon /Palais Princier de Monaco
Photo: G. Luci and E. Mathon /Palais Princier de Monaco

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene, along with twins Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriela, watched the traditional procession marking Good Friday from the Palace windows yesterday evening.

The procession, whose origin dates back to the beginning of the 18th century, is organised by the Venerable Archconfraternity of Mercy and recounts the story represented in the paintings of the Passion of Christ.

Photo: G. Luci and E. Mathon /Palais Princier de Monaco
Photo: G. Luci and E. Mathon /Palais Princier de Monaco

At nightfall, the lights of the Rock were veiled as the procession moved off to the sound of funeral music played by the Municipal Music. Clergy and penitents walked through the narrow streets of the Rock, followed by many faithful.

The ritual march passed twice in front of the Place du Palais, under the eyes of the Princely Family, and ended at the Cathedral for a moment of prayer and meditation, led by the Petits Chanteurs de Monaco.

Photo: G. Luci and E. Mathon /Palais Princier de Monaco
Photo: G. Luci and E. Mathon /Palais Princier de Monaco

