Princess Charlene Foundation announces partnership with UNICEF

The Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation has signed a partnership agreement with UNICEF France, which will see the foundation participate in and support a three-year project in Cambodia. 

On Tuesday 18th June, Gareth Wittstock, the General Secretary of the Foundation, and its General Director, Pascal Granero, met with Ann Avril, the General Director of UNICEF France, under blue skies to sign the momentous partnership deal.  

From 1st July 2024, Princess Charlene’s Foundation will help to teach more than 2,000 children in Cambodia the essentials of water safety through free swimming lessons. The Foundation will also be providing life-saving training and courses to a further 12,000 local adults and children under its Learn to Swim and Water Safety programmes.  

On the same day, Wittstock headed down to Larvotto Beach to assist with the Foundation’s annual Water Safety Day for schoolchildren in Monaco. 

95 local schoolchildren were invited to take part in the 2024 Water Safety Day in Monaco. Photo credit: Eric Mathon / Palais Princier de Monaco

In total, 95 children from 5ème classes at the Collège Charles III, 6ème students from the Institut François D’Assise-Nicolas Barré and CM2 pupils from the École de la Condamine were invited to take part in the hands-on workshops, which were led by the legendary freediver and ambassador for the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation, Pierre Frolla.  

Together with representatives from the Monaco Academy of the Sea and trainers from the Monaco Red Cross, the children were introduced to competitive life-saving and water safety concepts, as well as receiving training in basic first aid skills.  

The sessions were led by free diving legend Pierre Frolla. Photo credit: Eric Mathon / Palais Princier de Monaco

This year, a number of Monegasque Olympic athletes also joined the sessions and provided a source of sporting inspiration for the next generation.  

Read related:

Photos: Princess Charlene joins Water Safety Day at lake in Landes


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Photo credits: Eric Mathon / Palais Princier de Monaco