Princess Grace Theatre announces 2022-23 season line-up

The Princess Grace Theatre’s new season opens in October with a huge schedule of exciting events, including a performance by French singer Vanessa Paradis.

The Princess Grace Theatre has unveiled its calendar with over 32 performances, including such timeless classics as comedies by Oscar Wilde with The Importance of Being Ernest and Shakespeare’s As You Like It, as well as star turns with Charlotte Rampling lecturing on Shakespeare-Bach and Mom by Samuel Benchetrit with Vanessa Paradis, and film events such as the one featuring Orson Welles as Falstaff, amongst the many highlights.

The jam-packed schedule certainly has many familiar titles, but also a number of new creations to discover written by up and comers on the scene, which are sure to become instant classics in their own rights, such as Friendly Advice with Christian Vadim, Marie Fugain and Manuel Gelin, and an immersive concert set to the George Orwell book 1984.

“We are a stage open to everyone, especially to quality,” said Françoise Gamerdinger, Director of the Princess Grace Theatre. “It’s a literary season with its share of comedy, which will arouse curiosity. I believe it is a season that will make us laugh, cry and above all think. These are all precisely the missions of the theatre.”

One can’t-miss event is the opening night, 5th October, when Francis Huster, alone on stage, evokes one of France’s most celebrated writers in Molière, an event marking the 400th anniversary of his birth.

The theatre is taking pocketbooks into account this season, capping out ticket prices at €38 for known shows and €28 for the new offerings, making them accessible to everyone. This is part of a push to get people back in the habit of going to the theatre after the pandemic years. Additionally, they are trying out new things to attract audiences.

“The public has evolved in recent years,” said Gamerdinger. “This year, we are introducing two new features. First, the shows start at 8pm instead of 8:30pm. This allows you to get out of work quietly and come to the show straight away. And for a drink before, we have set up a catering point, which was missing, in the bar-foyer.”

For more information or to purchase tickets, which go on sale 24th September, visit the Theatre’s website on




Photo by Monaco Life