Receipts will cease to be automatically given out in France from August

receipts france

As part of plans to cut back on unnecessary waste, French vendors will stop giving customers printed register receipts unless specifically asked from 1st August.  

According to the French government, 30 billion receipts from shops, restaurants, cashpoints and vouchers are printed every year in France, and the vast majority are headed straight for the bin.  

As a way to cut back on this colossal waste of paper, the French government has said that, from 1st August, printed register receipts should no longer be automatically given to consumers, though they will be available upon request in certain situations.  


This change in policy stems from a law adopted in February 2020, known as the AGEC law. This law contains roughly 50 anti-waste measures and ways to strive for a more circular economy. In addition to the soon-to-be introduced receipt policy, the AGEC covers bans on single-use plastics, increased support for companies with eco-friendly initiatives, and environmental and health awareness raising campaigns.  


This is pretty straightforward. No receipts will be automatically printed from: any establishment open to the public; bank card and ticket machine purchases; places issuing vouchers promoting price reductions for future buys; and the like.  

As with any rule, there are exceptions and there are several specific instances where receipts will still be issued as standard. This is in the case of a consumer buying products or services requiring proof such as for products under legal warranty, weighed products, services of an amount greater than or equal to €25, cash within the catering and hotel sector, and for access to goods or services, like at motorway toll booths or for parking. Merchants must also provide a receipt for cancelled or incomplete sales, as well as refunds or transfers of funds.  


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Photo source: Simon Kadula, Unsplash