Renoir and other Impressionist masters at Moretti Gallery

renoir moretti gallery

Moretti Gallery is pulling out all the stops for Monaco Art Week and artmonte-carlo, with exhibitions featuring works by Impressionist greats such as Renoir and Millet as well as a focus on 20th century art movements.  

Ward Moretti, in collaboration with the Moretti Gallery, is bringing two amazing exhibitions to the Principality next month: one for Monaco Art Week and the second for artmonte-carlo, which runs in parallel.  


The first of the shows is entitled Impressionism: Painting from Nature and will run from 4th to 21st July. This exciting exhibition will bring together some of the genre’s great talents, including a charming masterpiece by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Jeune Fille lisante from 1890 (pictured above), which shows a girl completely absorbed by her book as the world goes by. The innocence of the piece is touching, and the beauty of his image captivating.  

Other highlights include two landscapes by Renoir and countryside scenes by Jean-François Millet, as well as pieces from notable American painter Childe Hassam. Post-Impressionism is represented by Édouard Vuillard’s Madame Vuillard cousant from 1895 and Pierre Bonnard’s 1892 still life.  


The concurrent event, taking place during artmonte-carlo from 7th to 9th July, is a tribute to the 20th century’s biggest artistic movements. Cubism, Surrealism and Neoplasticism reign in this spectacular show, which features the likes of Strahlung aus Blau from Max Bill, Victor Brauner’s 1959 work La Bretonne, and works by Jean Gorin, Martin Blaszko, Mary Martin and others. 


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Photo courtesy of Moretti Fine Art Gallery