An exhibition of photographs dedicated to the environment and the beauty of the Russian Federation is now on display on the fences surrounding Saint-Martin Garden.
The Samaya Krassivaya Strana exhibit, translated to The Most Beautiful Country in English, is a series of stunning, large-format photographs taken by Russian photographers to highlight their country’s remarkable people, places and things.
This project, which is also a competition, has brought together thousands of environmental photographers since the initial launch in 2015. The aim is to showcase, through their art, the beauty and nature, as well as the biodiversity and richness of the vast nation, whilst raising awareness on how respecting the Earth is of vital importance.
Each year the jury selects the best shots from the categories such as landscape, wild animals, underwater world, Russia in faces, and cultural heritage. The photographers go above and beyond to get their shots, shivering in the freezing tundra, getting up close and personal with wild animals, scaling active volcanoes, and diving below the icy seas.
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is hosting the exhibition in conjunction with the Department of Cultural Affairs and the Department of Amenities of Monaco. “We are delighted to host the exhibition in Monaco and to present these works which echo one of its priority missions: to preserve the Earth’s biodiversity to ensure a sustainable future for future generations,” said the Foundation.
The exhibition runs until December.
Russia's natural beauty goes on display