Stars’n’Bars issues eco challenge

Stars'n'Bars ecochallenge

The Ice Bucket Challenge was the last big social network fad that went viral and, this year, Stars’n’Bars hopes to inspire a new challenge to help cut Monaco’s carbon footprint in half.

Earlier this summer, the restaurant’s EcoHub Manager, Louise Svenssen, filmed and posted videos on the internet showing various Stars’n’Bars employees committing to simple eco-actions to reduce plastic waste and cut energy use.

Stars'n'Bars ecochallenge


These actions support the National Pact for Energy Transition whose goal is to sign up all Monaco residents and workers in a voluntary campaign to reduce the Principality’s carbon footprint.

Louise’s first videos called on other Monaco organisations to commit to eco-actions and post their own video challenge on Facebook and Instagram. First to respond were The Monaco Office of Tourism whose theme this year is “Green is the New Glam”, the Grimaldi Forum, Terre de Monaco, local business Groupe Expression and the Hotel Metropole.

This week, Stars’n’Bars released a new challenge that promotes carpooling in a comic one-minute video featuring a dozen employees exiting a Kia electric car. The employees are dressed as sports figures, cowboys and superheroes, all classic Stars’n’Bars icons. The KIA is one of the restaurant’s fleet of four-wheel and two-wheel electrically powered vehicles.

The new video nominates several local businesses to join the campaign but anyone can join the fun.

The principle is simple:

  • Choose an Eco-guest for a sustainable future
  • Film yourself
  • Tag/Nominate 5 people or companies to do the same thing
  • Post on social networks with the hashtag: #OnSengageAndYou? #Ecohub #ICommitAndYou?

This campaign will aim to raise the awareness of economic actors and the public, about simple eco-citizen actions to make a difference. #mcgreenglam