Taxis offer support during crisis

Monaco’s taxis are offering free transport to people receiving government assistance and in need of medical treatment.

Monaco taxis are uniting during this lockdown period to help the most vulnerable in the community, such as the elderly, get to and from necessary doctor appointments without requiring them to pay.

Of course, the official government line is that those who are most at risk should stay indoors and have supplies and services come to them, but the Monaco taxi association understands this is not always practical. After a period of discussion with the Town Hall, the taxi drivers were given the green light to undertake their initiative.

Roughly 15 of the 95 taxis in the Principality are currently operational. Though the rest are in confinement, they are still willing to help if it is required of them. Most taxis will be equipped with “health kits” to ensure the virus does not spread between passengers. If the taxi has not yet received their kit, the mandatory health rules will be strictly enforced with disinfectant wipe downs after each fare.