Ninja Box at Espace Léo Ferré to release the inner warrior

The Monaco Mairie has organised a fun new event in May, the Ninja Box, where kids and teens can put their warrior skills to the test.

Inspired by the famous French TV series Ninja Warrior: Le Parcours des héros, the Mairie has organised for two sporting courses to be set up in the multipurpose room.

One set of obstacles will be adapted for children aged three to eight, while the other will accommodate those aged nine to 14.

Maurane Jélic, winner of the previous edition of Ninja Warrior, will be on hand for two performances during theday.

It is a great opportunity for young people to take up the challenge and see what they are capable of achieving on the “hero’s journey”.

The event is aimed at young Monegasques, residents and schoolchildren of the Principality aged from three to 14. Participants may be accompanied by a guest from outside of Monaco.

Single price ticket is €15, and for the youngest participants, a parent or accompanying person will have free access to the room.

The number of places is limited. Tickets will be available soon at Espace Léo Ferré and on site the day of the event.

Ninja Box will be held on Saturday 13th May from 10am to 6pm at Espace Léo Ferré.


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Photo source: Ninja Box