This July marks the return of U Sciaratu, the Summer Carnival of the Rock. Featuring joy, confetti and a festive atmosphere, families are encouraged to head to the streets of the old town for some serious family fun.
The event kicks off on Friday 19th July at 6pm and includes animation stands for children, parades of floats, and street entertainment.
After taking us to Mexico last year, the theme of this, the 9th edition, is India.
Details are:
- Parade of floats: Place du Palais – Cathedral – Oceanographic Museum – Place de la Visitation – Rue des Remparts – back to Place du Palais
- Musical groups and street entertainment (The Pelooze Family, Brazilian dance, ostrich waders …)
- Animations: return of the inevitable chives and Oscar, balloon sculptors as well as magic workshops
- Sale of confetti, masks and costumes, puppet shows and make-up booths – all that is needed to give the kids an amazing night out.
To close the evening, there will be a DJ for dancing at the Place de la Mairie from 10pm.