This Thursday and Friday, different stakeholders will come together for the Transition Forum in Nice with the aim of finding solutions to the ecological challenges facing humanity. We speak to the forum’s founder Lionel Le Maux to find out more.
Monaco Life: What is the purpose of the Transition Forum and how did it come about?
Lionel Le Maux: The aim of the Transition Forum is to bring together different stakeholders of the Ecological Transition (public and private decision-makers, financiers, researchers…) to debate around four major themes – Food, Housing, Moving/Production and Consumption – and their challenges. In the end, the aim is to encourage the emergence of concrete projects integrating these different stakeholders. This Forum project is my initiative, as an investor (I am president of Aqua Asset Management, an asset management company 100% active in the Ecological Transition) who believes that the solution comes from the ability to mix diverse experiences.
The forum has been running since 2018. What would you say have been the biggest achievements in that time that you have witnessed?
A number of concrete projects have emerged from these meetings – decentralised energy production units, decarbonised mobility fleet, but I won’t establish a ranking. In the end, the greatest achievement is undoubtedly the sustainability of this event.
Why did you choose ‘Time to Cooperate’ as this year’s theme?
At the time of the Green Deal and the necessary acceleration of the Ecological Transition, it seemed important to us to encourage cooperation between local authorities, private decision-makers and financiers because it is from this cooperation that solutions mixing public and private financing/operating methods can emerge.
What do you expect to come out of this year’s Forum?
As in previous years, I believe that the Forum will be dedicated to bringing together concrete projects and ideas for collaboration between the public and private sectors. My expectations are not linked to a single outcome but rather to a multitude of projects.
Will the Transition Forum return to Monaco in the future?
We are delighted to have organised this Forum the first two years in Monaco where we were very well received and thank the City of Nice for taking over.
The Transition Forum may move to another city for its annual event and/or for other events during the year. We will be delighted to come back to Monaco!
The Transition Forum takes place on Thursday 30th September and Friday 1st October at the Palais de la Méditerranée in Nice.
Monaco Life is proud to be a media sponsor of the Transition Forum.
Transition Forum 2021