Two 'green' certifications for SBM Group

Green Globe, recognised as the international standard for sustainable tourism, has given two Monte-Carlo landmarks the Green Globe stamp of approval.

Café de Paris and Le Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo have both been recognised by the prestigious institution, giving the Café de Paris the honour of being the first restaurant in the world to be certified. Le Thermes has been rewarded with the Gold certification, another first, for five continuous years of commitment, for a spa in this category.

Café de Paris was judged on more than 300 indicators to assess the establishment’s commitment and practices toward sustainability. The Place du Casino Brewery was particularly noted for its proactive policies regarding waste and plastic minimisation, work with local charities, and public awareness programmes through their customer base.

“This Green Globe certification is the embodiment of the work of all the teams at the Café de Paris Monte-Carlo, which makes our establishment the first restaurant to be Green Globe certified,” said General Manager Stefano Brancato. 

Café de Paris General Manager Stefano Brancato

Le Thermes, the Principality’s legendary spa, was first granted Green Globe status in 2016. Now, five years later, they are continuing not only to maintain their high standards, but to raise them. Five years ago, they had an impressive 82% compliance rate based on their use of renewable energy sources for electricity, treatments respectful of the environment and food made from local products using healthy cooking practices.

Today, they have an 86% compliance rate, due to the addition of practices that include minimising the use of plastics, use of eco-friendly suppliers, and the creation of a roof garden to supply their own produce.

“The strong and continuous commitment to sustainable development drives our teams on a daily basis,” explained Christine Zoliec, General Director of the Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo. “They are constantly implementing environmentally friendly and sustainable actions in their various activities – care, fitness, catering, health – a commitment rewarded today by the Green Globe Gold certification, of which we are very proud.”