Supporting the Guardian Angels charity gala

Monaco Life Fashion and Lifestyle contributor Alessandra Vicedomini was at the Hôtel de Paris for a gala on Friday in aid of Les Anges Gardiens de Monaco (The Guardian Angels of Monaco), created by the vibrant Bruna Cassio.

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Together with the charity ambassador, dazzling Victoria Silvstedt, I am invited to the presidential table and seated with the founders Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, and Princess Camilla of Bourbon of Two Sicilies, Duchess of Castro, whom I met in my early 20s and always admired for their altruistic attitude and extremely touching humanly manners.

Bruna Cassio

This organisation has been created to help disadvantaged and marginalised people in the streets, to feed the poor, and to march in favour of those in need.

It is not easy seeing someone trying to survive on the streets. I have seen reactions ranging from pity to anger, to choosing not to see the person at all. As hard as it is to witness the suffering of others, Bruna and her team encourage all guests at the gala to exercise empathy – to imagine what it’s like to have no home and no support network, to be cold or hungry or sick, to have hundreds of people walk by you each day and pretend you don’t exist.

The question of how to help a homeless person on the streets is not always an easy one, and Bruna insists that the best place to start is by remembering the humanity of each man or woman you see in a public place and take action in your neighbourhood. To treat each and every person with dignity and remember that small acts of kindness can have tremendously positive repercussions on the lives of others. That is what she does when she goes with her team in the streets of Nice every Monday helping others, providing meals and bedding, and fundraising to support families in any way possible.

Bruna is so goodhearted and motivated by true convictions that her speech creats a delightful atmosphere of empathy and happiness. Then she generously encourages all guests to fully enjoy the party, with young angel dancers and talented singers. Each piece of music, costume and dance was chosen to talk to our souls and all artists perform amazing shows.

Seventeen wonderful lots were offered by generous sponsors for the tombola, animated by Monaco Royal Opera’s sopranos.

I had a wonderful time and was very humbled to learn how committed Bruna is to this project, so much so that I committed to helping her and her team on the streets for the next march.


Top photo: Victoria Silvstedt and Alessandra Vicedomini
