Prince Albert will be speaking on Wednesday at ‘A Brave New Ocean’, a high-level virtual event kickstarting the Decade of the Ocean. The aim: to rally countries behind the creation of a sustainable Blue Economy.
Decade of the Ocean will run from 2021 to 2030 has been organised by the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and aims to highlight the immense challenges and opportunities the ocean provides.
According to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development website, the global initiative is looking to “deepen our scientific knowledge of the sea and create the ocean we want. Its ambition is to generate the knowledge we need to achieve a world where biodiversity flourishes, and the ocean plays a central role in the drive for sustainable, fair development of our planet as we tackle the realities of climate change.”
The first digital event, ‘A Brave New Ocean’, gathers together world leaders, UN agencies, philanthropists and marine scientists and will draw on the real-life experiences of sailors, including Seaexplorer-Yacht Club de Monaco skipper Boris Herrmann of the recently-completed Vendée Globe, who have gathered information on their ocean travels for scientists.
Videos, speeches – such as the one being given by the Sovereign Prince, and live panel discussions will punctuate the event, helping those involved to set out a game plan for the next decade to improve ocean health.
The first part of Wednesday’s event will celebrate those who are already doing extraordinary things to help the oceans, identifying “tangible ways a healthy, resilient ocean can contribute to a blue recovery in a post-Covid-19 world.” The second half will be dedicated to how more positive change can be brought about.
The event will be broadcast on 3rd February at 4:10pm on YouTube at and on Facebook at or
Watch the Prince take part in the first Ocean Decade event