Week of talks on life and world issues

The Monaco Philosophical Meetings is organising a six-day event, PhiloMonaco Week, with discussions and lessons devoted to hashing out the issues of modern life and times with like-minded people.  

Today’s world is a complicated and complex place, filled with triumphs and pitfalls, but all with meaning. No one understands this better than the members of the Monaco Philosophical Meetings, who are putting on an event from 7th to 12th June where people of all different opinions and backgrounds can have open conversations, participate in round tables, and be a part of lessons dedicated to ecology, education, care, women’s issues, and the pleasure of philosophizing.

Some of the highlighted speakers booked for the event are Cynthia Fleury, Fabrice Luchini, Camille Froidevaux-Metterie, Éric Marty, Chantal Birman, Serge Audier, Divya Dwivedi, Emanuele Coccia, Karol Beffa, Camille de Toledo, Éric Fiat, Edwige Chirouter, Michaël Fœssel, Frédéric Lenoir, and Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, and there will be several well-known local personalities attending.

The event has two showcased evenings, not to be missed. The first is the Awards Evening, set for 9th June at 8pm at the Princess Grace Theatre. This free event, which is open to all, is chaired by Charlotte Casiraghi and presented by founding member of the Monaco Philosophical Meetings Raphael Zagury-Orly. The Awards Evening will celebrate a book, give Honorary Mention to a publishing house who promotes philosophical literature, and will offer the High School Prize awarded to two high school students for exceptional work.

The second standout evening is a reading by Fabrice Luchini of The Nietzsche Mystery on Saturday 11th June at 7pm at the Monte Carlo Opera. After the reading will be a talk with philosopher Eric Fiat. This event is by reservation only. Tickets are available on https://www.montecarlosbm.com/fr/spectacles-monaco/le-mystere-Nietzsche

For a complete list of the all events on the programme, visit the event website on www.philomonaco.com.