What changes are in store for France this July?

From elections to shrinkflation and the introduction of a new savings plan for young people, the French government has released a rather significant list of changes starting 1st July. Here’s what you need to know. 

At the beginning of each month, the French government puts out a rundown of all the new rules, regulations and allowances coming into effect. The month of July is notably busy, with changes touching on everything from energy to elections, including new savings plans, consumer protections against shrinkflation, temporary employment for health care workers, and rural revitalisation. 

Arguably the biggest news may be the upcoming French elections, which will take place on 30th June and 7th July. This controversial snap election will determine the composition of the 577-member French National Assembly, ultimately influencing which parties will shape the country’s future. 

Energy also gets a look in, with the simplification of the energy performance diagnostic system (DPE). This is the method used to determine the energy efficiency of a property with classifications ranging from the best- A- to the worst- G. Up until now, dwellings under 40m2 were unfairly disadvantaged by the thresholds, a problem that has now been rectified. 

Also under energy is the announcement of an increase in the natural gas distribution rate after four years remaining basically the same. The new price, which represents about one-fourth of users’ final bills, has been set by the Energy Regulatory Commission to cover network maintenance costs. 

A new savings plan for under-21s comes into effect on 1st July, as well. This targeted new tool, called the Future Climate Savings Plan (PEAC), allows young people to invest in eco-friendly businesses and industries, paving the way for the green transition and offers an alternative to traditional schemes. 

Also new in July, consumers will now be informed when a company’s products are affected by reduflation, more commonly referred to as shrinkflation. This now-common practice involves reducing the quantity of a product sold without lowering the price accordingly. Information must now be “indicated in the immediate vicinity of the products” in large and medium sized stores.

Newly qualified health care workers will now have a minimum two year temporary employment period as a resident before taking on full responsibilities. The objective is to better support young professionals during this crucial stage at the start of their career, and affects nurses, caregivers, specialised educators, social service advisors, instructors, and educational and social companions from social and medico-social establishments and services. 

Finally, the government wants to make the countryside more attractive through the France Ruralités Revitalisation programme, which is aimed at the reformation of rural revitalisation zones in the country. 

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Photo Credit: Arnaud Jaegers on Unsplash