The Mediterranean diet: a path to health and longevity

When it comes to nutrition, one diet often stands out above the rest – the Mediterranean diet. This old culinary tradition, originating from the picturesque regions surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, has earned its reputation as one of the healthiest diets on the planet.

But what makes it so special, and can we truly achieve the same remarkable benefits from other diets?


The Mediterranean diet is more than just a diet. It’s a way of life rooted in the cultures of countries like Greece, Italy, Spain, and southern France. At its core, it emphasises fresh, whole foods inspired by the traditional diets of these regions.

It encourages an abundance of fresh vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and leafy greens, which provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Healthy fats, particularly olive oil, take centre stage, offering a rich source of monounsaturated fats associated with numerous health benefits. Lean proteins are a cornerstone, with fatty fish like salmon and sardines as staples, alongside options like poultry, legumes, and occasional servings of lean red meat.

Whole grains like whole wheat, bulgur, and brown rice are favoured over refined grains for their complex carbohydrates and fibre content. Nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, and flaxseeds are embraced for their provision of healthy fats, protein, and fibre.

The diet also promotes a variety of fresh, local and seasonal fruits, such as oranges, apples, and berries, which not only satisfy sweet cravings but also offer important nutrients. Moderate consumption of dairy products, especially yogurt and cheese in their natural, unprocessed forms, is encouraged. Lastly, herbs and spices like basil, oregano, and garlic are used to flavour dishes, reducing the need for excessive salt, and adding a delightful dimension to the cuisine.


The Mediterranean diet has garnered global acclaim for several compelling reasons. First and foremost, it stands as a formidable ally in the realm of heart health, as numerous studies have conclusively demonstrated its ability to significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.

This remarkable feat is attributed to the diet’s emphasis on incorporating healthy fats, whole grains, and a wealth of antioxidants into daily eating habits. Moreover, regions where the Mediterranean diet is the norm boast some of the highest life expectancies worldwide – 87 years for Monaco, around 84 years for Spain and Italy, 83 years for France and slightly less for Greece – coupled with lower rates of chronic diseases, thus emphasising its role in fostering longevity and overall well-being.

Photo credit: Jez Timms for Unsplash

Additionally, the diet exhibits a positive impact on brain health, potentially shielding against cognitive decline and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Its balanced approach to nutrition also lends a helping hand in supporting healthy weight management, appealing to those striving to maintain a fit and balanced physique.

Lastly, the Mediterranean diet’s hallmark is its rich array of anti-inflammatory foods, offering a potent means to manage chronic inflammation, which is often recognised as a fundamental contributor to a range of health conditions.


Ready to embrace the Mediterranean diet? Here are some practical tips to get started:

  • Replace butter with heart-healthy olive oil for cooking and salad dressings.
  • Aim to have fish at least twice a week, and sometimes choosing fatty options like salmon and sardines for their omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Boost your protein intake with plant-based sources such as lentils and chickpeas.
  • Make vegetables the star of your plate, filling half with a vibrant variety of fresh, local and seasonal options.
  • Consider munching on nuts or enjoying Greek yogurt with honey and berries.
  • Minimise your consumption of processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive salt, opting instead for whole, unprocessed ingredients.

The Mediterranean diet is a remarkable path to improved health and longevity. While it’s not the only way to achieve these benefits, it offers a delicious and accessible approach to nourishing your body. By incorporating its principles into your daily life, you can savour the flavours of the Mediterranean while reaping the rewards of a healthier, happier you.

Tristan Boetti is a sports nutritionist. Through his company Performance & Bien-Être Monaco, he works with professional athletes as well as recreationally active individuals to help them achieve their goals through customised nutrition plans and expert advice.

Alcohol’s influence on health, well-being, and sports performance

Photo source: Toa Heftiba for Unsplash

Cruel new phone scam doing the rounds in Monaco

The government has issued a warning about a particularly nasty scam targeting Monaco residents that involves people claiming to be police officers or lawyers reporting a serious car accident.

In a statement released on Wednesday 4th October, the government says it has been made aware of the fact that many residents are being targeted by the phone call scam.

The person making the call, from a foreign number, presents themselves as a police officer or lawyer and tries to convince their victim that a member of their family has been involved in a serious traffic accident.

They ask for a large sum of money or valuable items to be handed over in order to put an end to the supposed legal proceedings.

Authorities warn the public that this is a fraudulent phone call and to not handover any cash or valuable items.

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Photo credit:, Unsplash



Oktoberfest celebrations begin this weekend in Monaco

oktoberfest monaco

The official event in Munich might have already come to a close, but Monaco’s Oktoberfest is only just getting started. Here’s everything you need to know.  

Oktoberfest, the traditional two-week-long festival that takes place in Munich, Germany started off in 1810 as a way of marking the marriage between the Crown Prince of Bavaria, who later became King Ludwig I, and Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen. 

Whilst the royal and his bride may not be so well-remembered today, the idea behind their wedding bash certainly lives on, with countries all over the world emulating the event, including here in the Principality.  


The Mairie de Monaco will be kicking things off with two events at the Marché de la Condamine on 5th and 6th October, which will include musical entertainment by the Tyrolfest Orchestra and a selection of traditional Bavarian dishes.  

The party starts at 7pm and reservations are required via the participating establishments in the Halle. For more information, please click here, and don’t forget to take along your own stein! Prost!


Later this month, the Yacht Club de Monaco will hold its now-legendary Oktoberfest celebration on 20th October. Organised by Anne-Marie Winkler and Laila Schlereth, with the support of many members of the local German community, the club will be decked out in the blue and white of Bavaria to create the air of a classic Bavarian brasserie.  

Some 500 people regularly attend and almost all get into the spirit by wearing the traditional costumes of lederhosen for men and the dirndl for women. For more information on the event, please click here


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Photo credit: Yacht Club de Monaco

What’s happening in Monaco for Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

breast cancer monaco

From Natasha Frost-Savio’s Pink Ribbon campaign to the new self-check course at the Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace, here’s a rundown of all the events set to take place in Monaco for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  

2.3 million women around the world were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020 and there are statistics that suggest one in eight women may develop the disease during their lifetimes.

If caught early, the survival rates are high – and improving – and therefore it is hugely important for women to know more about how to detect a possible problem as well as to be active in getting regularly and pre-emptively screened.  


Pink Ribbon Monaco has been championing this cause since 2011 through a variety of events and awareness methods.

Run by the indefatigable Natasha Frost-Savio, the charity is starting off this year with an invite-only cocktail event the Hôtel Métropole on 6th October ahead of the annual light-up of nearly 20 iconic Monaco monuments in shades of pink.  

The Prince’s Palace, the Oceanographic Museum, the Casino de Monte-Carlo and the National Council building are amongst the sites that will be illuminated in this show of “solidarity and commitment to raiding awareness and supporting those fighting breast cancer” that transforms the Principality each year.  

In addition to this, Pink Ribbon will also be reviving its self-examination brochure and campaign to encourage women to get into the habit of making self-checks, which the association will be promoting throughout the month on Riviera Radio and with a poster campaign and targeted social media posts.  


The Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace (CHPG) is also very active during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Doctor Mathieu Liberatore, the Head of Services within the CHPG’s radiology department, is launching up a self-check course aimed at employees of local companies. The course will explain how to check, as well as how often to check, for anything unusual. 

The CHPG is also a proactive part of the government’s drive to get all women living or working in the Principality between the ages of 50 and 70 to come in for a screening.  

Awareness is not the only objective for CHPG. The hospital is also actively looking for donations to help further research and new treatments.  

For more information about the Pink Ribbon events this month, please contact, and to learn more about the CHPG’s self-check course, please contact 


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Photo source: Pink Ribbon Monaco

‘Monaco d’Autrefois’ exhibition: Time travel into Monaco’s past

Never-before-seen colour images of Monaco in the 20th century have been resurrected and presented in a new exhibition titled ‘Monaco d’Autrefois’.

The exhibition at Espace Léo Ferré features the work of Jean-Pierre Debernardi and his grandfather, Jean Debernardi, a professional photographer from the early 20th century.

Jean Debernardi left behind hundreds of glass photographic plates that were waiting to be explored. Today, after three years of what the artist describes as a “titanic effort”, the plates have been scanned, restored in black and white, and colourised.

Now, the Monégasque photographer is inviting people to rediscover ‘Monaco d’Autrefois’ (Monaco of yesteryear) through a selection of these vintage photos taken by his grandfather.

Alongside the colour photo, which aims to “transport us and stimulate our imagination”, the original black and white image is also displayed to better appreciate the extent of the work. It’s a project led by a grandson and his grandfather “across ages and generations”.

‘Monaco d’Autrefois’ exhibition, photo by Monaco Life.

“I am feeling nostalgic”

The exhibition has already left its mark on visitors, with one telling Monaco Life: “It’s very beautiful, I am impressed with the quality of the photos.”

It’s not only the photographs that are making an impression, but also the opportunity to journeey back through history, and stop over in different eras. “I think it’s a very good idea, a beautiful opportunity to revisit the past, as I am feeling nostalgic for it,” said another visitor.

The Mairie is proudly hosting the exhibition at one of its communal sites. “Preserving our traditions, our history, and our heritage in all its forms is one of the essential missions of the municipal institution, and Jean-Pierre Debernardi’s efforts align perfectly with this ambition,” said Mayor Georges Marsan.

Multi-faceted exhibition

Jean-Pierre Debernardi has chosen to use this exhibition as an opportunity to showcase the work of Delphine Lanzara, a painter and resident of the Principality. Several of her paintings, employing the palette knife technique and highlighting landscapes of the Principality, are also on display.

‘Monaco d’Autrefois’ is on for a short time only, until 6th October. The free exhibition is open from 11:30am until 7pm, at the Espace Léo Ferré.

See more in our Instagram video below…

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Photo by Monaco Life

France: New Agora app gives the public a voice in government decisions

The Ministry of Democratic Renewal has launched Agora, an app designed to give the people of France a chance to express their thoughts, feelings and concerns on “high-stakes” subjects affecting them. 

The aim of the Agora app is to encourage participation amongst the populace, giving them more of a say on the policies that affect them, as well as giving the government a better idea of the expectations the people have regarding public policy.  

The app is part and parcel of the overall Renouveau de la Vie Démocratique government scheme that hopes to incorporate more citizen contribution into the shaping of laws.  

“I am launching Agora, an application to consult with you on subjects that concern you,” said Olivier Veran, Minister Delegate for Democratic Renewal and Government Spokesperson, on social media. “Help us make the big decisions for our country, ask us directly [and] vote for the questions to which the ministers will answer.”


The public aren’t the only ones to ask questions. Officials too will be able to pose queries to the public on themes such as environment, employment, immigration and the like.  

An anticipated four consultations will take place each month and the most popular is set to be taken a step further, reaching the Council of Ministers, where the minister concerned or a relevant government spokesperson will be required to respond.  

The app will also allow the government to inform the public of the process or ongoing steps linked to a topic.  

The Agora app is live and available for free on the AppStore and Google Play Store. 


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