U Cavagnëtu picnic invitations extended to all Monegasques and their families

The annual U Cavagnëtu picnic, a celebration of local traditions and family ties organised exclusively for Monegasques and their families by the Mairie de Monaco, is just around the corner.

The Mairie has announced that this year’s U Cavagnëtu picnic will be held at Parc Princesse Antoinette in the Jardin Exotique neighbourhood during the afternoon and evening of 7th September.

The event’s opening activity, a mass on the park’s Omnisports Grounds, will begin at 6:20 pm, after which guests will be invited further into the park to enjoy the festivities.

Music from the U Cantin d’A Roca choir and a jazz quartet, led by Lionel Vaudano, a professor at the Rainier III Academy, will fill the air, and the town hall has also organised a ‘grand ball’ — a first for the U Cavagnëtu picnic — from 8.30 pm to 10.30 pm.

The park will be largely closed in preparation for the event from 2nd to 11th September, and access will only be possible from 5pm on the big day. Only the Cabanon des Jeux, located in the lower part of the park, will remain open to the public, although it will also be closed on the day of the picnic.

Entrance to the U Cavagnëtu party is free upon presentation of a Monegasque identity card or an invitation.

For more information, click here.


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Photo credit: Palais Princier de Monaco