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Virus circulation doubles in a week

The Covid incidence rate in the Principality has reached over 100, up from 55 a week earlier, a worrying indicator heading into winter.

“We must do everything to avoid a new confinement”

The French government has reacted to the bombshell announcement by the Austrians that all unvaccinated people will be put into lockdown from Monday.

Monaco extends health pass rule

The mandatory health pass has been extended in Monaco until at least 25th February 2022, the government announced on Thursday.

Over 65s in France will need booster to keep health pass

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced that, starting in December, all French residents and nationals over the age of 65 must get a booster shot to retain their health passes.

Monaco makes third shot available for everyone over 18

Any adult in Monaco who received their second Covid-19 vaccine dose at least six months ago is now eligible for a booster.

Be a quitter this November

November is tobacco-free month and several government departments along with the Princess Grace Hospital have launched a campaign to help people stop smoking.