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How to stay safe in a heatwave?

When the temperature soars, there are a variety of risks that people, especially the vulnerable, should be aware of so they can protect themselves and stay safe.

Two Covid victims in two days

The government has announced the death of an 89-year-old resident, marking the 35th Covid-related death in the Principality. It came just a day after the death of a 75-year-old.

New care home due in 2025

Monaco will have a new 120-bed care home for dependent elderly people by 2025, easing pressure as the aged population continues to grow in the Principality.

Vote for compulsory vaccinations set for mid-September

A bill on compulsory jabs for “certain categories of people” in Monaco is now under consideration by the Committee on Social Interests and Miscellaneous Affairs before going to vote in September.

Monaco makes Covid vaccine available to all workers

Less than a week after opening its free vaccination programme to employees aged over 40, Monaco is now encouraging all workers in the Principality to get the jab.

PACA reactivates ‘white plan’ amid 43% ICU occupancy

France’s Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur region will be implementing its ‘white plan’ in hospitals as it struggles to cope with the highest number of Covid patients in the country.