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Controversial health pass extension approved

Despite nationwide protests, the French government has passed a divisive law that requires health passes to access restaurants and other public sites.

Stricter Covid rules to come into play from Saturday

Faced with a rise in Covid cases, primarily among the young and unvaccinated, Monaco is ramping up health measures again, including widespread mask wearing and new health pass rules.

Aussie pub becomes vaccination centre for local employees

A pub in Nice has been transformed into a temporary vaccination centre, helping around 450 local staff to get the jab before France implements its mandatory health pass.

Covid incidence rate at highest point since March

The circulation of Covid-19 throughout Monaco continues its worrying upward trajectory, as France declares that the “fourth wave has begun”.  

Do I use Monaco Safe Pass or EU health pass?

From Wednesday, a health pass will be mandatory in France for access to leisure and cultural venues with more than 50 people. So, what does that mean for Monaco residents?

All the highlights from the Red Cross Summer Concert

It was an historic moment as Jamie Cullum took to the stage in the Place du Casino for the Red Cross Summer Concert on Friday night, watched on by the Princely family.