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EMA officially confirms AstraZeneca blood clot link

The European Medicines Agency will list blood clotting as a rare side effect of the AstraZeneca vaccine but maintains that the shot is saving lives and its use should be continued.

EMA official links AstraZeneca vaccine and thrombosis

A top official in the European Medicines Agency has said that there was a link between the AstraZeneca vaccine and blood clots.

Award winning chefs unite for good cause

SBM chefs are tantalising the tastebuds of those less fortunate, creating over 300 three-course lunches to be distributed by Monegasque charity Solidarpole.

France starts vaccine production

By the end of the summer, the French government anticipates that vaccination will have been possible for all adults who want to be vaccinated.

30th Covid-related fatality

The death of a 68-year-old resident marks the 30th Covid-related fatality in the Principality since the pandemic began.

Curfew extended but measures continue

The government has again extended all current health measures that were set to expire on 2nd April, but has given residents an extra hour in the evening with the new curfew starting at 8pm.