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Environmental Photography Awards

Aaron Gekoski’s ‘See No Evil’ wins the FPA2’s 2024 Environmental Photography Award

The Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco’s 2024 Environmental Photography Awards have been won by Aaron Gekoski and his devastating ‘See No Evil’, a heartbreaking image of Ning Nong, an...

M3’s Smart and Sustainable Marina Rendezvous returning to Monaco this September

The fourth edition of the Monaco Smart and Sustainable Marina Rendezvous will be held from 22nd to 23rd September at the Yacht Club de Monaco.

France: New Origin’Info label will identify the sources of processed foods

Where does our food come from and where is it made? The new Origin’Info labelling system will seek to provide answers to those questions in a bid to keep consumers more in the loop about the foods...

green shift festival

Art, science and culture to unite at Monaco’s Green Shift Festival

The second edition of the FPA2-backed Green Shift Festival will be held between 5th and 7th June on the Promenade de Larvotto.

World Environment Day: head to Larvotto Beach 5th June

In celebration of World Environment Day, the Principality of Monaco is hosting a series of fun activities dedicated to the environment.

Débroussaillement: Changes incoming on legal obligation to keep gardens under control

Starting in 2025, anyone who buys or rents a home in an area deemed at risk of forest fires must be informed of their legal obligation to perform débroussaillement - the clearing of brush and...