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Grimaldi Forum’s unique sound system gets an upgrade

The Salle des Princes auditorium at the Grimaldi Forum boasts one of the rarest state-of-the-art sound systems in the world, and it’s just been revamped, for the benefit of performers and the...

Video: Prince takes electric lorry for a spin around Monaco

The recent Ever Monaco Salon took a decidedly regal turn as Prince Albert II made an appearance… at the wheel of an electric truck to emphasise his commitment to cleaner, greener transportation.

Next-gen Formula E car revealed in Monaco

The next generation of Formula E racer, the Gen3, was unveiled to the public at the Monaco Yacht Club on Thursday. Designed specifically for street racing, it will make its debut next year.

New Climate Accord announced in Monaco

The iMason Climate Accord was unveiled at the Datacloud Global Congress at the Grimaldi Forum this week, uniting digital giants like Meta, Google and Microsoft in reducing their carbon emissions.

Government renews support for Klaxit carpooling

The government is helping commuters beat the burden of rising fuel prices whilst protecting the environment by renewing its support for Klaxit, a French carpooling app that subsidises travel to...

What is the EU’s new Digital Markets Act?

The EU Parliament and Member States have passed the Digital Markets Act, a system devised to keep big tech giants honest, opening the door for similar plans to be invoked around the world.