France: Citizen census declarations required for all 16 to 25-year-olds

Citizen census

All French citizens, whether native-born or naturalised, must submit a citizen census to the French government from their 16th birthdays in order to access certain rights. Here’s how the system works.  

To stay within the letter of the law, French people between the ages of 16 and 25 are required to complete a citizenship declaration either online or at their local town hall.  

Applicants must provide a valid national identity card or a passport as well as an up-to-date Livret de Famille and, for those choosing to apply in person at the mairie, proof of residence. 

The rules vary for those people born in France to French parents and those who have obtained citizenship via other avenues. For French natives, the form must be completed within three months of the individual’s 16th birthday. For those who obtained French nationality between the ages of 16 and 25, it is mandatory that they register within one month of becoming a citizen.  

Once in the system, a census certificate will be provided. This allows those in possession to register for higher educational courses, like professional studies and bachelor’s degrees, as well as for practical things such as driving licences. It also ensures automatic entry into the national electoral rolls at the age of 18.  

Any changes to a person’s situation up to the age of 25 must be flagged to the National Service and Youth Centre (CSNJ) online or by post. 

For more information about the citizen census, click here

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Photo source: Irina Muller, Unsplash