Monacology ends 2017 with “French Al Gore”

Monacology co-founder Kate Powers with “the French Al Gore” – Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
Monacology co-founder Kate Powers with “the French Al Gore” – Yann Arthus-Bertrand.

The eco-association Monacology ended its 2017 calendar of events by inviting internationally-known photographer and environmentalist Yann Arthus-Bertrand to Monaco for two days of conferences, an exhibition and presentation of his newest film, Human.

Outspoken and passionate about the planet, “the French Al Gore” is best known for his celebrated book “Earth from Above”, published in 2000, which has sold 3.5 million copies and has been translated into 24 languages. Large-scale exhibitions of his aerial photographs, taken from helicopters and hot air balloons, are currently on display in the streets of 154 cities worldwide.

In 2005, the former actor and assistant director also created the Goodplanet Foundation, which aims to raise public awareness of environmental issues, implement carbon offset programmes and fight deforestation with local NGOs. His goal is to focus humanity’s vision not only on the beauty of the planet, but the ways it is being destroyed.

At a press conference at Stars’n’Bars, Monacology co-founder Kate Powers introduced the 71-year-old as one of the world’s most prolific, as well as controversial, eco-warriors.

With the support of the Monaco Department of Education, nearly 800 school children viewed three of Bertrand’s most influential films – Planet Ocean, Home and Human – and an opportunity to quiz the photographer and his team in a Q&A session at the

A teaser of his soon-to-be released humanitarian film Woman was also shown.

The two-day event was hosted at the Grimaldi Forum and Oceanographic Museum in partnership with MC5 Communication and with the generous support of numerous Monaco partners, in particular, the Niarchos Foundation.

The photo exhibition Planet Ocean can be seen at the Grimaldi Forum until January 5.


Stars’n’Bars plugs a little Soul into Monacology