Photos: Prince Albert celebrates as Monaco Impis are crowned victors of the Dubai Sevens

The opening event in the 2023/24 calendar of the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series, which took place in Dubai over the weekend, has been won by the Monaco Impis for the first time in the team’s history, and Prince Albert II of Monaco was there in person to celebrate with the victorious players.  

Monaco Impis have triumphantly clinched the title of ‘International Open Men’s Cup Winners’ at the Dubai Sevens event, which was held between 2nd and 3rd December. The win marks a significant achievement in the young team’s sporting journey.

Monaco Impis, a bi-national team combining players from Monaco and other nations, was established in 2017 and has been representing the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation, the Monaco Rugby Federation and the colours of Monaco at the Dubai Sevens for the seven years since. Gareth Wittstock, brother of Princess Charlene, is the honorary president of the Monaco Impis. 

Their win in Dubai on 3rd December, a first for the Monaco Impis in the Dubai Sevens, is a proud moment for all and highlights the team’s growing talent as well as Monaco’s rising status in the rugby world.  

Prince Albert of Monaco, who was in Dubai at the time for the ongoing COP28 climate summit, proudly celebrated the team’s landmark win with them at the Sevens Stadium.

Prince Albert II of Monaco, who was concurrently in Dubai for COP28, was able to join the victorious team in person to celebrate their win. Photo credit: Axel Bastello / Palais Princier de Monaco

Players from AS Monaco Rugby on the books 

The Monaco Impis side in Dubai included AS Monaco Rugby players Augustin Slowik, Loris Lefebvre and Maxime Martin, but they weren’t the only Monaco stars on the pitch.  

The final against the Nissa Sevens saw the Impis come up against Logan Tosello and Dylan Ouisly from AS Monaco Rugby. The Impis ultimately took home a 29-12 win, and this victory was the pinnacle of a series of impressive victories, which saw triumphs in the group stages and a 22-12 win over the Butchers 7s in the quarterfinals, followed by a strong 26-14 against Speranza 22 in the semifinals. 

Expanding horizons 

Beyond the Dubai Sevens, where they are familiar faces, the Impis have further expanded their horizons. They also took part in, and won, the Melrose Sevens tournament in Scotland in April.  

In 2024, the tournament will take place between 11th and 13th April, where the Impis are sure to make another solid appearance.  

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Photo credits: Axel Bastello / Palais Princier de Monaco