School holidays: Art and philosophy initiation workshops at Monaco’s Villa Paloma

In a first for the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco, the institution is teaming up with the Rencontres Philosophiques Monaco to offer children aged six to 10 the opportunity to delve into the worlds of art and philosophy during the upcoming school holidays. Here are all the details.  

The two cultural entities have come together to design three different workshops and courses specifically for young minds. 

Featuring works from the museum’s Pier Paolo Calzolari: Casa Ideale exhibition, the art and philosophy sessions are set to combine both thought-provoking and creative aspects for an all-round engaging and enlightening experience.  

See more: Explore Pier Paolo Calzolari’s ‘Casa Ideale’ at the NMNM’S Villa Paloma

From 2pm to 4pm on 26th and 27th February, then again on 28th and 29th February, children aged eight to 10 will be invited to explore a world that combines artistic expression and philosophical reflection.  

Students will have a chance to discover the Pier Paolo Calzolari exhibition alongside the museum’s cultural coordinator, Coline Matarazzo, after which they will be given the opportunity to raise questions on the themes of dreams and time with Alicia Polzella Gauduel, a philosopher who regularly hosts seminars here in Monaco. 

The third course is targeted at six to nine-year-olds, and will run from 4th to 7th March from 2pm to 4pm.  

Using Arte Povera-like methods, a genre made famous by Calzolari, the young students will get to know the artist’s work and blendi paint and salt together for artistic effect before creating their own night-time landscape scene. This hands-on experience will be led by cultural coordinator Sharon Jones.  

To reserve a space on any of the courses, or for more information, email 


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Photo source: Monaco Communications Department