
Cassandra Tanti

Cassandra Tanti is the Editor in Chief of Monaco Life. She is a qualified journalist and editor with 20 years’ experience in the digital, print, radio and television news industries.

Author’s Articles

Prince’s Palace reopens to reveal new hidden frescos under restoration

Monaco Life goes inside the Prince's Palace to witness the latest stride in a decade-long marathon to restore the Prince’s Palace of Monaco to its former Renaissance glory.

Fiery car crash in Monaco tunnel kills three

Three people have been tragically killed in an early morning car accident in the Louis II tunnel in Monaco.

Planes, public transport and schools to be hit by 6th April strike

France’s unions are planning another round of strikes on Thursday 6th April, with the usual sectors due to bear the brunt.

Monaco, as largest donor per capita, welcomes UN Green Climate Fund amid world tour

The UN Green Climate Fund has met with key environmental players in Monaco, including the Prince Albert II Foundation and the Oceanographic Institute.

Photos: Hundreds join Prince Albert for official launch of Kate Powers Foundation

The legacy of one of Monaco’s most beloved members of the community will live on in the Kate Powers Foundation, which has been officially launched in the presence of Prince Albert II of Monaco.

“Every crisis creates opportunities, and for us it is an opportunity to be very well placed in the Monaco banking sector”

Monaco Life talks to Banque Havilland’s risk expert Gil Huart about the local impact of the biggest US banking crisis since 2008.