
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

Inaugural Grace Influential Positive Impact Award Grace to be handed out during Monaco GP

The inaugural Grace Influential Positive Impact Award from the Princess Grace Foundation will aptly be selected and presented during the Monaco Grand Prix weekend to the Formula 1 team who has the...

eu sustainability

More needs to be done if the EU is to meet its sustainability goals

The European Union’s latest Eurostat report has revealed that the bloc has made “significant” progress in certain areas, but only moderate steps in others, notably when it comes to the climate...

Artificial Intelligence a hot topic at YPO’s ‘Future of Film’ event in Cannes

A ‘Future of Film’ event held in Cannes by the Monaco and French Riviera Chapters of YPO drew big names who spoke of what’s new in cinema, enduring trends, and future possibilities thanks to...

Pelagos backs new course to help save ensnared cetaceans

Monaco, France and Italy have come together to offer a new training course to maritime authorities that could help save the lives of whales and dolphins trapped by fishing nets in the Pelagos...

Dinner and club hotspot Twiga opening the summer season on Grand Prix weekend

Twiga, with its eclectic menu and sophisticated style, is kicking off the summer season during Monaco’s biggest weekend – the F1 Grand Prix.

Audi RS 6 GTO concept to be presented at Top Marques Monaco

The Audi RS 6 GTO concept, which pays tribute to more than 40 years of quattro technology, will be unveiled to the public for the first time at Top Marques Monaco next month.