
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

EU makes plans to implement crypto capital banking regulations

Tough capital rules for banks holding cryptoassets must be fast-tracked in the European Union's pending banking law if Europe wants to avoid missing a globally-agreed deadline, the bloc's executive...


Monaco, France and Italy discuss the future of marine protection cooperation at 55th RAMOGE meet

Delegates from the tri-country RAMOGE organisation met with new director Laurent Stefanini to discuss the achievements of the past two years and future projects. 

obesity in france

Obesity: Nearly half of France is overweight, says new study

Obesity in France is on the rise, and the PACA region is not excluded. Here’s the skinny on what the experts say.  

pollen french riviera

Allergies: French Riviera on red alert for high pollen count

Late winter blooms and the pollen from the thousands of cypress trees on the French Riviera are causing havoc for allergy suffers, with the region moving to a red alert.  

heat pump

French government offers €5,000 incentive to anyone installing a new heat pump

The French government has announced it will award a €5,000 rebate to anyone, at any income level, who is replacing an old heating system with a new energy-efficient heat pump. 

fondation de monaco

Fondation de Monaco student digs in Paris to get modern makeover

The Fondation de Monaco's student accommodation at the Cité Internationale Universite Paris has embarked on a €3.8 million renovation to hit energy reduction objectives and increase comfort for...