
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

What to expect: mass pension reform strikes on the Riviera

Mass demonstrations against the French government’s new pension reform proposals are happening across the country on Tuesday 31st January. Here’s what to expect on the Côte d’Azur. 

Piano recital raising funds for those with mental disability

Monaco will host this year’s L’Arche à Grasse annual charity gala, with a star performance by the brilliant Rainier III Academy alumni and world-renowned pianist and composer, Nicolas Horvath.  

Prince Albert appoints new head of EU negotations

Isabelle Costa, currently an advisor in the Prince’s cabinet, has been appointed High Commissioner for European Affairs. She will oversee negotiations between the Principality and the European...

List of French strikers grows as port and power workers called to picket

The CGT trade union and Sud Rail are the latest to call on their workers to take to the streets next week for the nationwide strikes against pension reforms. 

Villefranche launches major underwater clean-up operation

The seafloor of Villefranche bay is to be cleared of rubbish and debris as the coastal town establishes an innovative system of anchorage for the hundreds of yachts that visit each year.  

Greek New Year tradition celebrated at Monaco Yacht Club

The annual ceremony of cutting the vasilopita – the traditional Greek New Year’s cake – was held last week at the Yacht Club de Monaco with prominent members of the Hellenic Community of...