
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

France to champion domestic solar industry and embrace agrivoltaics

France’s photovoltaic industry is on the verge of a major boom following the announcement of a new master plan to boost domestic energy production. 

Is Russia to blame for the spate of GPS problems plaguing flights across Europe?

Thousands of flights from all over Europe have reported GPS issues since last August, and now, officials are looking at Russia as the possible culprit of this disturbing trend. 

Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman’s new TV series to open Monte-Carlo Television Festival 

The Monte-Carlo Television Festival has announced that the Civil War spy series The Gray House, from Hollywood royalty Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman, will kick off the 63rd edition of the...

monte carlo beer alcohol-free

Monte Carlo Beer’s alcohol-free blonde ale wins gold at Frankfurt International Trophy

Monte Carlo Beer’s innovative alcohol-free blonde ale has been awarded the top prize at the famous Frankfurt International Trophy, beating competition from more than 500 similar beers.

tax return

France’s income tax return deadlines are coming up

It is the season of income tax returns in France. Whether you are submitting your details for the first time via the old paper form method or online at, here are all the important...

Monaco Energy Boat Challenge

Monaco Energy Boat Challenge introduces new sustainable technology award for 2024

The goal of the new category, and its €25,000 prize, is to entice universities and research institutions into sharing groundbreaking ideas that could help move the yachting industry onto a greener...