
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

The cost of fast fashion: France to consider adding a dissuasive surcharge to cheap imported purchases

It might be a cheap and easy way to keep up with trends, but fast fashion is bad for the environment and might even be a threat to human health.

Princely couple in Courchevel for charity gala benefitting Princess Charlene Foundation

Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene of Monaco spent the weekend in the glamourous resort of Courchevel as the VIP guests at a charity auction and gala organised for the benefit of the Princess...

2023 was Monaco’s second hottest year on record

Extremely high temperatures paired with levels of rainfall that were well below normal made 2023 one of the hottest years on record in the Principality of Monaco.

Looking back at a year of Prince Rainier III centenary celebrations

As the Prince Rainier III Centenary commemorations come to a close, Monaco Life is looking back at the standout celebrations and events held in tribute to this extraordinary man.

March to be Video Game Month at the Médiathèque de Monaco

Throughout the month of March, the Médiathèque de Monaco will be hosting a series of video game-themed events, including tournaments, exhibitions and movie screenings.

Maternity leave rights extended to independent workers in Monaco

Just three months after the bill was first tabled, Monaco’s Conseil National has voted unanimously in favour of enshrining maternity leave rights for independent workers in the Principality.